
Monday, 7 January 2019

Activity 2: Fabulous Ferns [4 points]

Activity 2: Fabulous Ferns
I like the Black Ferns uniform because it has good designs and I love the all blacks sign.
Image result for tall ferns uniformTall Ferns
Image result for black ferns uniform t shirt and shorts

Image result for silver ferns uniformBlack Ferns

Silver Ferns

Wednesday, 2 January 2019

DAY 2: Forest Life Activity 1: Giants Among Us [4 points]

LI: Would you like to go to visit Tāne Mahuta?

Yes I would like to go and visit Tāne Mahuta. I would like to go visit Tāne Mahuta because I could experience it in real life and see how specialn this tree is and why it is called Tāne Mahuta. It would be nice to go out in the nature and take a look at this super tall tree. I would also like to go see if there is any creatures of the forest living around that tree.

Activity 3: Ice, Ice Baby [10 points]

LI: To write down what you think being safe online is.

This week for this activity I used a Poster to write down things to create a positive digital footprint. Heres is some important information you need to know when you are online do not give personal information about yourself or family online. This poster tells you the things that you should not do to make a positive digital footprint.