
Wednesday, 25 September 2019


Single sex schools are better

Have you ever attended a coeducational school or a ngle sex schools are better because students get distracted, they are quieter, there is less bullying and less drama.

Single sex schools are better then coeducational because you cant get distracted from girls and so there will be no drama between boys and girls. For example girls would want to dress up because of boys. If there were no boys in the school girls will focus on their learning.

Single sex scools will be great for you because you don’t have any girls or boys. So when you are in class you have a quiet place and you can get a great education. For example boys will concentrate on their work without the girls chatering.

When you are in a single sex school there will be more bullying. Boys will try to act tough in front of girls. For example, they might try to pick on someone to try to make themselves look more staunch and if they were only with boys they wouldn't be worrying about impressing girls

You can make more friends at a single sex school. For example, there will be more boy for rugby and sports. It is good to be in a single sex school because there will be no boys or girls there and so you won’t have a girl or boy friend at a young age.

a lot of boys or girls everyone will see you so if you bully someone there will be boys or girls watching you or they can just spot you and they will come and help they boy or girl that is getting bullied

In conclusion single sex schools are better because you will have a better education that is free from distracttion.

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