
Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Digital License Assembly

Google came with this cool thing and google made the Digital License Assembly happen. My favorite part was when they push the circle black thing and made a squeaky noise when they hit it. They got asked heaps of questions and the team who got the most right was the Crushers. Every team won an electronic prize. The host was Dominic Bowden and he has been on X-factor, Dancing with the Stars and The Bachelor. The part I enjoyed the most was when the teams got the question right and they got a point. They did some answers and it was all about cyber bullying and stay safe on the internet.Image result for dominic bowden Digital License

Digital License Assembly

Friday, 26 May 2017

Arthur Matching and colouring Fractions

For In A Row

A sports or arts article      

Mumbai Indians wins Indian Premier League

A word you don’t know and have to guess its meaning

I think it means telling people something
A story you think is important

Attack at Ariana Grande Manchester concert

It is important because 22 people had died at the concert.

An article that made you laugh

How to make a fidget spinner. I think they made it out of plastic.

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

My Swiming Lesson
In the last three week team 4 started swimming.We had to walk all the way to glen innes pool. I was so tired walking all the way to the pools.

When we got there there was three instructors named cat, jed and Jess.I learnt about being safe in the water is getting a life jacket. Befor I get in the boat I put on my life jacket. zip it up and click it and make sure it is tight and if it goes above your ears that means it is to big for you.What I learnt is arm circles, how to get in the pool. When I got inwe were having fun like we were kicking, splashing and  jumping. I learnt how to use a life jacket.

I felt so happy because it was so cool. Next time I go I will be so good and just be sensible thank you jed, jess and cat for helping me how to swim.

Friday, 19 May 2017

my toku pepeha

                                            today we are learning about toku pepeha and we get to White our own mihi and we had to learn it off by hart

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Arthur mihi

Tēnā koutou katoa!
Mihi ki te Atua
Mihi ki te Mate
Mihi ki te Ora
Tihei mauri ora!
Ko Maungarei te maunga
Ko Tamaki te awa
Ko Waitemata te moana
Ko Ruapotaka te marae
Ko Ukutoia te papa
Tēnā koutou

Ko foueti tōku pāpā, nō tonga ia
Ko ina tōku māmā, nō cook island ia
Ko  Arthur tōku ingoa
Ko pt england tōku kainga noho
Tekau mā iwa ōku tau.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017


Image result for crash boat by a big rock
Once Upon A Time me and my friend Frederick went fishing in the middle of the night. It was so foggy and cold. I was so tiyed I needed to go sleep. But I couldn't because I was driving the boat. When I asked my friend Fredrick he was already asleep. I accidentally went to sleep and when I woke up there was a big rock.We tried to turn the driving wheel. But It was so sad we had Crashed.

When we crashed me and my friend Fredrick went to the big rock and trid to claim the rock. And when we were hungry we went back to the boat and got the fishing rod and fished. When we wanted to go home me and Fredrick swam back to the island. It was hard to swim back home. And when we got home me and my friend Fredrick went for a shower and we went home happy. When I went to go to my friend Fredricks house he was already asleep.

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Fast Post

Walt: Understand how communication technology changed over time                                             this is all about fast post, and mail and factory.

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

now that thinking.

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This term we are learning about technology and pt england school topic is called Now That Thinking. In the assembly all of team 1,2,3,4 and 5 teachers had to go up were the stag and talk about what are their going to do  this term. Technology is something that was made from human. I think we will learn about how maori Technology has changed over time.I would like to learn about what should we do to learn about noe that thinking. I hope we can invent a robot.